Do You Judge the Person You Used to Be?
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ~Mother Theresa
Hikikomori – The Anti-social Isolation Epidemic Plaguing Our Youth
Hikikomori – A phenomenon spreading throughout the world describing socially withdrawn youth self-isolating from society at large.
The Importance of Healing Emotional Wounds by Corie Chu
Each of us knows what pain is. The good news is, despite being vulnerable to pain, our bodies are naturally able to heal themselves.
The Cost of Telling the Truth in a World of Lies by Trevin Wax
“What is the cost of lies? The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.” ~ Hannah Arendt
When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Will Appear by Josh Lannon
Even though you feel you can do it all on your own, keep your eyes and ears open for true growth. They say timing is everything.
How to Find the Courage to Quit Your Unfulfilling Job By Maria Stenvinkel
Choose to live by design instead of by default. Fear regret rather than failure. Take risks for what you will gain long-term.
3 Powerful Steps To Help You Change Your Subconscious Mind and Live A More Fulfilled Life – By Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. Bruce Lipton on the nature of how your life has been programmed, and how these programs control your life and your behavior.