The Law of Attraction – While there is no one tool that every person ‘must’ use in their personal development work, or to aid in energetic transformation so you can get your much-desired ‘stuff,’ I am a huge proponent of meditation, and I recommend everyone at least give it a fair shake to see if something clicks. Law of Attraction
I first started meditating probably about 13 years ago, and while I can’t say I developed a consistent practice right out the gate–lots of stops and starts–I never went too long of a stretch without doing it at all.
Meditation is probably tied with the law of attraction as the thing that has had the most positive influence on my life, and I think it is an excellent tool for energy management and the inner exploration that is key to making real, meaningful shifts in your vibration.
This post is going to discuss how meditation may benefit you as well as some tips for those who may be new to the practice or who have been doing it but are struggling in some way.
All the craziness of our mind–the anxiety, the fear, the racing thoughts, the negative emotion and all that other fun stuff–is not really who we are. That shit is all of the mind, the ego. We mistakenly think that is who we are, and strongly identify with all of that. We get caught up and sucked in.
But who we really are is always operating at the highest vibration possible; it sees the true nature of reality; it sees how we are supported. It sees how everything is okay no matter what. It sees our perfection. It doesn’t worry. It is not fearful. It is always in perfect alignment.
Meditation helps create a space from which our ‘higher’ mind can observe what our ‘lower’ mind is doing. It is almost like being a third-party witness to the madness. We are not part of it, we are separate from it, watching it from a distance. We are not getting drawn into the stories, the meanings, the conclusions and the decisions our mind is cooking up.
This ‘detachment’ is very helpful from an energetic perspective because the negative thoughts and feelings aren’t as much as a problem as we think they are–we all have them.
The problem is the ‘charge’ we give them when we pay them too much mind, when we resist them, when we judge them, when we put too much effort into ‘trying’ to change them, when we get sucked into their ‘vortex..
When we create this space in our mind to observe these inner workings, when we remember that part of us isn’t the true us, that ‘charge’ goes away. The energy of these thoughts and feelings isn’t as strong. The thoughts and feelings come and go more quickly and with less ‘fanfare.’
This benefit is not just limited to when you are actually sitting in meditation dealing with the thoughts in that moment–this is something that will carry over into all your waking moments, and this is huge from an energetic perspective. It enhances the law of attraction.
How much better does it feel to make the goal of this ‘work’ not to eliminate your ‘negative’ thoughts and feelings, but to respond to them differently? How great is it to know that one of the most powerful tools to help you do this can be done anytime, anywhere and doesn’t cost a dime?

Remember the law of attraction is not a tool you can use to manipulate reality, it is something that has been operating in your life the whole time. With this in mind, a big part of energetic shifting will involve getting a better handle on what may have been going on in your energy up until this point, which led to whatever is going on now that you don’t like.
This doesn’t mean you have to iron out every ‘kink’ in your energy, but you have to know what you are working with, the space from which you are entering this ‘work.’
Just trying to get ‘positive’ without looking at what is going on now usually has limited effectiveness as many of you may have seen.
This is the exact reason why people say they struggle so much with feeling better–you are fighting against some pretty strong energies now that have been around for a long time, and may be so deeply ingrained you don’t even notice them anymore.
You simply don’t feel very good right now, and if flipping that switch emotionally was something you were able to do, you would have done it a long time ago. Who would choose to be unhappy if they could just get happy at any time?
Because we are in such a rush to get our stuff, to achieve the energy we think we ‘must’ have to get what we want, we often approach this inner exploration in a rushed, anxious state, wanting to ‘fix’ things as quickly as possible.
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And just like any other instance where the main energy is one of resistance, of trying to force things, it doesn’t seem to work very well.
Meditation is great for this inner detective work because it helps reduce the anxiety, fear and other energies that can block the ‘discovery’ of the fears, feelings, beliefs and perspectives that aren’t serving us.
It quiets the mind and in this calmer state, the answers reveal themselves with very little ‘searching’ on our part. Everything we need is truly within–this isn’t just some personal development cliche at which we are wont to roll our eyes. The silence of meditation allows us to establish that connection, to access that wisdom we all know deep down.
It helps reveal your true feelings about your life and yourself, and if you are willing to engage with that information, rather than just push it to the side, you are on track to making real changes in your energy and well-being; you are opening the door to significant healing.
And these energetic transformations have no choice but to be mirrored back to you in some shape or form.
Our energy is going to be greatly influenced by how we move through the world, how we handle the things that happen to us.
How we respond or react is indicative of how we are thinking and feeling, what we believe, what perspectives we hold, whether we are choosing ‘beneficial’ energies like trust and love, over ones that do great damage, like fear.
Meditation helps calm our mind. It gets us out of ‘reaction’ mode. It helps us break up the habitual thoughts and feelings that tend to get triggered when things happen we don’t like. We take a beat and can consciously decide how we want to respond.
This calming of the mind, the space it creates, aids us in choosing the perspectives, thoughts and feelings that serve us. And even in the moments when our initial response may still be the fear, anger or whatever else, that aforementioned ‘charge’ is lessened.
We break the habit of reacting in ways that will just add more fuel to what isn’t serving us, the beliefs, thoughts and feelings that have contributed to the ‘unwanted’ in our life.
This conscious choice is not a one- and- done- type thing. It would be nice if it was. Consciously choosing to embody the energies that serve us, the perspectives and beliefs that will serve us, is something we are called on to do over and over again. We will always find this way of looking at the world, ourselves and the various aspects and experiences of our life challenged, and will be faced with that choice yet again.
Because this is the key to changing beliefs, something we over-complicate the hell out of, something we struggle with so much. It is simply choosing to believe what serves us. Do that enough and your belief system starts changing. But like I said before, this is a choice that is made over and over, not just once.
When we are in ‘respond’ mode we consciously choose responses that serve us, we get an opportunity to adopt the perspective that will feel a hell of a lot better than the one your mind probably jumped to immediately. We get the chance to give them some momentum so they become more dominant.
For example, an unexpected car repair might normally send you into a tailspin, triggering all sorts of fears about your finances, that you’ll never get ahead, you’ll never bank any savings.
But in ‘response’ mode you can consciously choose to adopt a better feeling perspective.
Yeah, it kind of sucks you have to dip into your fledgling savings account, but at least you have the money to pay for it. You really need your car and it’s good you can get it fixed; you don’t have to rack up any more credit card debt.
Spending money doesn’t mean losing money and more where that came from.
And in that moment, you took away power from the perspectives on money that don’t exactly lend themselves to getting more of it, and banked some energy behind the ones that will.
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