7 Reasons You Are Unsuccessful. It Isn’t Because You’re Lazy. It’s This.

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Lazytoxic parents

The Real Culprits of Unsuccess
Nimish Jalan
Nimish Jalan
For most of my life, my friends, family, colleagues, teachers, etc. have told me I’m lazy.
But what if everyone is wrong? What if everyone is quick to judge and conclude?
When I looked up the definition of lazy, this is what was thrown at me.

Nimish Jalan

Throughout my life, I’ve been able to achieve things I’ve set my sights on.
Maybe not to the degree or the standards I set myself but that’s life.
  • I’ve learned a new language from scratch.
  • I’ve published an article consecutively for 250+ days.
  • I’ve been practising yoga consistently for the last 4 years.
A lazy person doesn’t do this.
Thankfully, I never agreed to the label “You’re Lazy” and it has served me well.
If you too are labelled lazy, here are 7 reasons that might be ailing you in your journey:

1. You’re Indecisive

Like me, you dwell on your decisions.
Nimish Jalan
Even after you’ve decided, you let it sit and marinate.
This lack of action creates a different kind of inertia. It stops you from gaining momentum on the decisions you make.
You start second-guessing and stop midway in your tracks.

2. You Lack Clarity

I’ve been working on an e-book for almost 6 months.
I’ve made some decent progress but I keep alternating between clear and unclear thoughts.Nimish Jalan
This makes it hard to move and to progress.
This stops me from making the kind of progress I enjoy.
This means I lack a clear picture.
Lack of clarity is one of the biggest obstacles most of us experience. Don’t let it come in the way.

3. You Lack Systems

Nimish Jalan
Because you lack clarity, you end up taking on a lot more than you are used to.
Without an existing system, you get discouraged quickly.
Since you haven’t done this in the past, your intensity is higher than your consistency.
It’s the fastest way to a burnout.
You never continue what you begin for a long time.

4. You’re in a Hurry

That patience is a virtue has lost its significance thanks to immediate gratification across various aspects of our lives.
Nimish Jalan
Due to immediate gratification, our expectations of ourselves and the world around us are skewed.
In your attempt to do many things quickly, you end up not doing anything.
This creates a loop of sorts and you keep going back and forth doing the same thing.

Mindset The New Psychology of Success Audible - Carol S. Dweck PhD.png
Mindset The New Psychology of Success
By Carol S. Dweck PhD

5. You Think Small

Nimish Jalan

It is good to be present.
But most time, most people end up focusing too much on “what is” rather than “what can be.”
Instead of thinking how big you can be, you are entangled in how small you are.
Thus, limiting your opportunities.

6. You are in Comparison Mode

You are in constant comparison mode.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you didn’t compare yourself with someone else?
These comparisons usually aren’t apple-to-apple.
Besides everyone’s journey is unique.
What might work well for you, might not work well for me and vice versa.
So why compare?

7. You Do What Everyone Else Does

If you pay attention, you’ll notice that the majority of the world around you is mediocre.
You love to imitate them and compete with them.
When you do this, the baseline of your ambition is low.
Besides, since you do what everyone else does, how can you expect the results to be different?
There are many reasons that you aren’t successful but laziness isn’t one.
It all comes down to how you perceive yourself.
What’s your perception about yourself?
Source: medium.com

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