1. Stay Positive and Joyful
I appreciate how we can laugh at ourselves and with one another while the world rapidly changes around us…or, ‘when everything not nailed down is comin’ loose…as someone said about something, one time.
In 1940, when Hitler’s bombs were pummeling London, the British were suffering, frightened, and dealing with death. But they remembered to laugh. A bombed-out restaurant or store would post a sign out front the next day saying, “Yes, we’re open.” Google “World War Two jokes” and you’ll find a thousand.
My favorite funny of this week during the COVID-19 crisis was the guy who said, “I have washed my hands so much I’ve now uncovered the answers to the 9th-grade math quiz.”
A friend sent a photo of the bathroom tissue holder, showing each segment of paper labeled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. The caption read: “Problem Solved.” The background to this, of course, is the way people are stocking up on toilet paper. It’s an odd happening but no one has ever been able to figure out why people do what they do.
A friend in South Louisiana said they’re cleaning the groceries out of bottled water. “Even if we all get the virus,” he said, “our water should be fine. So, what’s with everyone buying water?” I suspect it’s because that’s what they do when a hurricane is threatening.
My friend Shawn Parker is the newly installed executive of Mississippi Baptists. On Wednesday I asked whether he had called his predecessor, Jim Futral, and asked if he wanted this job back. He laughed and said, “I called him and said, ‘Where is your file on Coronavirus?’ He said, ‘Check under the heading ‘Katrina.’” Ha…true enough.
A cartoon showed a family hunkered down in their storm cellar, with mounds of toilet tissue around them. The dad says, “Did anyone think to buy food?”
Thank God for the ability to laugh. Let’s keep doing that.
For more on this subject, look inside:
Relentless Optimism
by Darrin Donnelly
It is very important that we stay positive despite the adversity. It’s how humanity has survived most calamities.
Power in the positive!
Thanks so much for mentioning prayer. It is the only way I manage to get through each day!
Prayer is powerful. Stay faithful it will keep you strong. 💪
It’s easy to lose hope in these tough times. We should always keep our sense of humor though 🙂
So true, humor is the medicine that eases us all through life’s challenges.
These 4 tips are priceless. I will live by them during this pandemic.
Be well and stay safe and positive.
Humanity has survived much worse things than the coronavirus. I believe we will make it through.
Good attitude. We will rise up.
I know for sure a lot of things will change after this pandemic. We had better get used to the new normal.
It will change us, it’s up to us to make it change for the better. ✌
First of all, faith in God! With God, everything will be fine. No matter how rough the weather is today, we never lose faith.
Faith in God is powerful.
For the religious among us, this is a time for lots of prayers. I happen to fall in this category.
I really like the idea of maintaining normalcy as much as possible. I wish more people would abide by that.
You are doing a good thing by preaching positivity at this time. God knows we all need it!
I would like to point out that we should not panic no matter what. All this will come to pass with time.
Calm wins the day!
The staying normal is a good mindset. I know that there are suppose to be changes but in my case it should not be rushed but rather a natural one. I guess at the end of this all a new normal is and will take place. The sooner we adjust to that the better.
Good attitude. Stay positive!
What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. If we weather this pandemic we will be much stronger as a people. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Well said, Sylvia. It’s not how hard you get hit, it’s how hard you get hit and stay in the fight.